I love those "sweet" Lollipop pictures!!!! I heard it was an awesome birthday party! Thank you all for letting me be part of it....even the birthday girls brother was part of it.... check out the pics below! They are full of attitude and style....I couldn't help but, post them both ....I love it! (they remind me of my two!) Thank you H!

This little guy is just adorable...couldn't help posting both pics his mommy sent to me in his hip tie shirt!! Thank you H! Can't wait to do his Bday shirt...coming up soon ;)
Awww...I LOVE this picture that was sent to me...I can't get over how calm and chilled out she is....it MUST be that Peace onesie! Thank you S for this picture ...its fun to put faces with names of the children that are out there wearing "ollie b's"!!! 

"ollie b" tags traveling around!! I LOVE to see this! Thank you so much for emailing this to me!!...hope you all had a great trip!! 

My favorite tie shirt...at the beach at Fort Morgan, Alabama.....

A "sassy" little cake shirt for my own daughter on her #8.....!!

All he wanted for his birthday was anything "yo gabba gabba"......

Ollie b's celebrating the 4th!!
Thanks for the picture ....beautiful family and breathtaking view....!
Thanks for the picture ....beautiful family and breathtaking view....!

Ollie stylin' her rollergirl shirt....playing around I dyed the shirt and added sleeves...funky and original....(and with the plaid mini-boden pants-wow-ee! what a look! ha)
And this precious big brother "C" is stylin' in his "Crossbones"...I have to tell you that his sunglasses AND his pirate pants definitely add to the look K! He is TOO handsome! Thank you for the pictures!
Oh this yummy guy in his Spring Bunny onesie! This is baby brother "W"...we dyed this onesie to make it blue b/c I couldn't find a blue onesie I liked. What I like about hand dying is that the threading stays white-very cool look. Thank you K for pictures of your handsome sons!

Oh this yummy guy in his Spring Bunny onesie! This is baby brother "W"...we dyed this onesie to make it blue b/c I couldn't find a blue onesie I liked. What I like about hand dying is that the threading stays white-very cool look. Thank you K for pictures of your handsome sons!

Sweet Sophie in her "Birthday Cake" shirt....I choose the fabric to match Sophie's Matilda Jane Big Ruffle pants!!!
(p.s. her mommy is a photographer.....http://mikabethedwardsphotography.com/).... AMAZING! ...check out her site, her blog, her newest site called Pure Baby-awwwww......AND her Bebe and Beau Boutique....all on her website....she cleans her THREE daughters (my nieces) closets out and sells it .....You have to check it out! Thanks for the picture bebe! ( the nickname "bebe" came from my baby brother(he's 20 now) not being able to say "mikabeth" so....for 15 yrs now she's been 'bebe'
(p.s. her mommy is a photographer.....http://mikabethedwardsphotography.com/).... AMAZING! ...check out her site, her blog, her newest site called Pure Baby-awwwww......AND her Bebe and Beau Boutique....all on her website....she cleans her THREE daughters (my nieces) closets out and sells it .....You have to check it out! Thanks for the picture bebe! ( the nickname "bebe" came from my baby brother(he's 20 now) not being able to say "mikabeth" so....for 15 yrs now she's been 'bebe'

Its Aidan and Amelia in their "Peace" shirts! (and "B" in his "vintage guitar").....B and A are great buddies! Thanks for the picture!!!!

Looky at who is wearing Ollie B's!!!! Thank you to all of you that have emailed these to me. I get the biggest smile when I see your precious children in them! Thanks and keep them coming!!
Its Spencer wearing his "tie" .......look at those dimples!
Its Spencer wearing his "tie" .......look at those dimples!

Already at 19 months old he is SUCH a cut up! Thank for the awesome pictures!!!!!!
Spencer in his "Spring Bunny" shirt..........

He loves his Ollie B bunny shirt!!!

Oh I love this shirt...sometimes its hard to find fun shirt colors....Unique is good so I decided to hand-dye some shirts...here is a camo colored one....Thanks for the pics!

Spencer in his "Spring Bunny" shirt..........

He loves his Ollie B bunny shirt!!!

Oh I love this shirt...sometimes its hard to find fun shirt colors....Unique is good so I decided to hand-dye some shirts...here is a camo colored one....Thanks for the pics!

What I like about hand-dying is that usually the stitching stays white.....

Its Cash in his "C" shirt...can I just say I LOVE this pic...is he totally posing or what?! darn cute!

Its the Deal boys!! Having a blast in the dirt! Thanks J!

SJ and Ollie in their "School Spirit" shirts!! love these girls!
Bryson in his "groovy guitar tie" shirt....I think he's still asleep?!
Spencer in his "Rocking Guitar" shirt....I can make this out of any of the fabrics! Its fun to get all mix matchy! (oh and yes....he is my adorable nephew that I miss but, will be seeing soo
Its Jason in his "J" shirt!!!! Totally ran into him at the Wranglers Hockey Game and he was wearing his Ollie B Tee!
Spencer ...in his "tie" shirt!